Same Day 服务 – Regular Rates 7 Days a Week, 7AM to 7PM – 24hr Emergency 服务
Because we spend so much time in our homes (up to 90 percent of our time) and the tremendous improvements in energy efficiencies in our homes, 高效供热、空调设备, 更好的窗户和隔热, 气密和防风雨条. 这对降低能源账单来说都是好事, 但是因为空气包层更紧, 它允许被困宠物皮屑, 灰尘, 花粉和其他过敏原在你家里循环, 哪些会引起哮喘和过敏反应.
从空气中去除这些过敏原的设备, 保持健康的湿度,这样可以保护木地板, 家具, 消除静电, 帮助防止皮肤干燥, 嘴唇干裂,鼻道或鼻窦干燥,可导致流鼻血, 消除发霉的可能性, 病毒和细菌 to proliferate are all considered Indoor Air Quality Products, and at Horizon 服务s we have the ability to custom tailor an indoor environment that suits your family best, 因为每个人都有不同的要求.
安装、更换 & 所有品牌和型号的服务 全屋加湿器
旁通 & 蒸汽增湿器
全屋加湿器可以保护木地板和家具, 消除静电, 并有助于防止皮肤干燥, 嘴唇干裂,鼻道或鼻窦干燥,可导致鼻出血. The American Society of Otolaryngology even reports that it is important to prevent an overly dry environment because it makes people more susceptible to infection. Increase your family’s level of comfort and protect your valuable 家具 by adding just the right amount of moisture with a whole-house 增湿器.
安装、更换 & 所有品牌和型号的服务 电子空气净化器
我们的工作不仅仅是确保你家里的空气是温暖的还是凉爽的. 我们努力确保它尽可能的干净和舒适. There are many different type of air cleaning and purification products on the market but none as effective as the Trane CleanEffects.
Trane CleanEffects™ air filtration system has a breakthrough technology that can remove up to 99.98%的空气过敏原来自你家里的过滤空气.
- 宣布你的家为无烟区. 二手烟会导致严重的健康问题,尤其是对儿童. 请吸烟者到室外吸烟.
- New Trane Clean Effects is the in灰尘ry’s most effective whole house air filtration system in the in灰尘ry. 这项技术的突破可以去除多达99个.98%的空气过敏原来自通过过滤器的空气, making it 8 times more effective than even the best HEPA room filter and up to 100 times more effective than a standard 1’’ filter.
- 根据需要,使用除湿机或空调保持低湿度. 定期清洁,这样它们本身就不会成为污染物的来源. 修理家里所有的漏水和滴漏, as standing water and high humidity encourages the growth of mold and other biological pollutants.
- 防止一氧化碳中毒, have all fuel burning appliances inspected by a qualified technician once a year. 在卧室附近安装一氧化碳探测器.
- 为了使尘螨和其他过敏原保持在最低限度,定期清洁. 用热水(至少130°)清洗床上用品. 考虑把地毯换成可以经常拿起来洗的小地毯.
- 在你的煤气灶上安装一个引擎盖风扇,把外面的空气排出去. 烹饪时使用电扇或打开窗户以去除气体烟雾.
- 检查商业清洁产品和杀虫剂是否含有有毒成分, 并按厂家说明使用. 使用这些产品时,请保持室内通风良好. 考虑改用毒性较低的替代品.
- 测试你家里的氡含量. 使用标有“符合EPA要求”的氡检测试剂盒.
- 不要让汽车或割草机在附属车库或棚内运行. 避免在室内使用没有通风的加热器或木炭烤架.
- Call Horizon 服务s for more information about avoiding indoor air hazards in the home
Every winter you see headlines like “Carbon Monoxide Kills DU Grad Student” or “Faulty Heating Connection Leads to Carbon Monoxide Death of Entire Family”. These two tragic stories could have been prevented if low level carbon monoxide detectors were installed in their homes.
3月25日, 2009, Governor Bill Ritter signed into Law: 科罗拉多州 House Bill 1091 requiring the installation of carbon monoxide alarms in residential properties. 这项法案被称为洛夫格伦和约翰逊家庭一氧化碳安全法案. 本法自2009年7月1日起施行.
事实上,一氧化碳是一个常年存在的问题. 任何燃烧燃料的器具都可能造成一氧化碳中毒. (热水器, 气体干燥器, 气炉, 燃气锅炉, 燃气壁炉, 烧烤烤架, 煤气火坑, 车辆, 割草机, 等). Every 首页, Office, School or Building should have carbon monoxide alarms installed for safety.
一氧化碳或一氧化碳报警器是由美国环保局规定的.L. 2034标准, and after reviewing information about this standard it is apparent that not all CO detectors / alarms are created equal. Horizon 服务s recommends installing Low level CO detector to alert you when there is carbon monoxide present 在你家里.
Steps you can take to make the air inside your home cleaner and ultimately – safer
According to the EPA pollutants inside your home can be up to 100 times higher than outdoors. Indoor air quality is one of the EPA’s top five environmental risks to public health. There has been an alarming increase in the number of children with severe allergies and asthma. 这种增长与室内空气质量日益恶化有关.
The American Heart Association has linked poor air quality to heart problems while the 美国肺脏协会 lists it as a leading cause of lung cancer. 你可以在环保局的网站上找到这些事实, 美国肺脏协会 还有很多其他网站. Although this information is readily available it is believed up to 87% of American homeowners are not aware that pollution may be worse inside their homes than outdoors.
You understand the health benefits of clean water yet most people are unaware of or ignore the importance of breathing clean air. 你可以做很多事情来改善家里的空气质量. Let’s briefly discuss the 3 most important ways of improving indoor air quality.
1. 源删除
2. 空气净化
3. 增加通风
Pollutants infiltrate your home and take up residency through different pathways into your home. A simple way to reduce the infiltration is to remove shoes before entering your home. 门口垫是另一种简单的减少污染物的技术. 尽量减少使用和存放刺激性清洁剂或带有香味的清洁剂. 不要让汽车、割草机或其他发动机在附属车库闲置. 新家具或地毯通常会释放出刺激性化学物质. 当你把这样的新物品带回家的时候, 经常长时间打开窗户. 即使气味消散,废气排放仍在继续. 一种消除废气的方法, (通常称为挥发性有机化合物), (挥发性有机化合物)是通过在家里种植活的植物.
空气质量因颗粒物过多而下降, 低湿度, 以及化学物质的存在, 气味, 病毒和细菌. 微粒积聚可通过以下方式减少 在供暖系统安装升级后的过滤器 在你家里. 过滤系统可以去除颗粒到 .001微米(大约是人类头发直径的十分之一). A whole-house 增湿器 is a practical solution to improving air quality and improving various aspects of your health. In addition to improving the air quality a 增湿器 can also help to lower your heating costs. 潮湿的空气感觉更暖和. 空气净化器可以大大减少空气中的污染物. 化学物质, 气味, 病毒和细菌 have a detrimental effect on your health and the health of your family. Any combination from one of the air cleaning systems to all three will have a great impact on improving the air you breathe inside your home.
如今的房屋比美国历史上任何时候都要紧凑得多. This building focus was implemented in the 1970’s and continues to be improved upon every year. The result of the tighter construction is a reduced carbon footprint per square foot. 然而,这种建筑的重点对环境和你的钱包都很好, 它对你的健康不是很好. 以减少挥发性有机化合物的积聚, 毒素, viruses and additional air quality robbers it is important to intentionally bring in fresh air.
一个有效的, low tech way of accomplishing this is to open a few windows 在你家里 and living in 丹佛, 科罗拉多州, 我们有很多天可以这么做. 然而,打开窗户并不总是可取的, 因为它会增加你家的供暖和制冷成本. An open window can also aggravate allergies as well, depending on the time of year. A whole-house ventilation system can be installed to bring in fresh air (without the utility penalty) while maintaining the temperature setting, 以及室内空气的湿度.
As you consider the options available to improve the air quality 在你家里, please contact us. 我们是室内空气质量爱好者. 我们想了解你的目标. By asking questions and performing a site assessment we can then list solutions for you, 你的家和家人. 点击这里 商业空气质素服务.